Plantiful Sunday: “But.. How do you eat sushi as a vegan?”

You can’t buy happiness, BUT, you can buy sushi and that’s basically the same thing.

As a non-vegan, sushi was literally, life (plus I’m asian, so I’m biased towards all and any forms of asian cuisine). When I transitioned into becoming a vegan, a lot of the people who know my eating preferences questioned how I was going to live without beloved seafood? Especially, sushi. Get this..

Scary fact: If we continue the consumption of seafood at our current rate, there will be NO more cutesy, adorable, fun-loving marine animals left in the ocean BY 2048. Saddening, right? Not to mention, seafood is (now) HIGHLY contaminated with pollutants and irritants AND.. SO many of them are endangered and facing extinction. You don’t want to contribute to that anymore, right? Right. You’ve got a good heart.

On a lighter note: AVOCADO IS THE ANSWER. The creaminess and fatty-like texture mimics that of sashimi-grade fish. Which makes sense as to why there are like 57631 recipes on vegan sushi focusing on avocado. SO LET’S DO THIS.

What you’ll need:
1) White rice in (yes, white, not brown. Texture issues..)
2) Seaweed paper
3) A delicious and perfectly ripe avocado
4) Rice vinegar (seasoned meaning it’s got salt & sugar in it already)

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How-to set up this bad boy:
1) Once your white rice is cooked and cooled, pour 1/4C of the rice vinegar and mix well
2) Place seaweed paper (rough side down) and carefully, place rice on half on the paper
3) Place toppings diagonally on top of the rice
4) Roll diagonally, and use warm water to wet the ends to make them stick! AND..

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YOU HAVE A HAND ROLL. They see me rollin’, they hating.. Okay, I’m done.

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Processed with VSCO with g3 preset

Good luck, and enjoy. xo, T.

2 thoughts on “Plantiful Sunday: “But.. How do you eat sushi as a vegan?”

  1. Pingback: 9 vegan sushi recipes for International Sushi Day | Global Times

  2. Pingback: 9 vegan sushi recipes for International Sushi Day - Age Times

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