
Life is the most difficult exam you’ll never stop taking. Most people fail because they try and copy others, not realizing that every person has a different set of questions.The idea of being “inert” can be a bitch, so make sure that you can chart your own course.

It is a beautiful thing when career and passion come together, ultimately, also both terrifying and amazing. But there’s nothing more dangerous than a lack of self-love. “Trish, why do you want to become a physician? What is it about medicine that inspires you?” Sure, the “dream” is big, scary and according to published statistics… Almost impossible to achieve (unless you’re composed of the 1% of brilliant Einstein-esque minds out there). Let’s be real, I’m just an ordinary girl trying to find her place a world that is bound by social norms in order to make a dream come true. To me, being a physician is the only profession that I find myself loving and hating (with the most intense, and fiery passion) at the same time. But to break it down, all dreams come with a standard principle: Work hard, and STAY persistent.

How? A “good life” is when you assume nothing, do more, need less, smile often, dream big, laugh (ALOT!) and realize how blessed you are. Find that thing that you love and figure out a way to capitalize on it. More importantly, never give up on a dream simply because it takes time to accomplish. Honestly, the time will pass anyway. Your goals will come paired with an enormous amount of stress from yourself, from your peers and from this world that dictates who makes it, and who doesn’t. Learn to separate yourself because nothing is worth poisoning yourself into anxiety, or fear. Believe that your dream requires no expiration date. So take a step back, breathe in and try again.

So here are my Doctors orders: Don’t be bullied by your problems, I have learned that doubt kills dreams more than fear ever will. Don’t be discouraged when you (or other people) don’t see the things the way you do. Dream on! Not everybody will understand what or why you’re doing it, or where you want to go. Accept that that’s okay and that you’ll get there.. Eventually. But If all else fails, the best thing you can go is… Nothing. What I mean by that is not think, not wonder, not imagine or obsess. Just breathe and have faith in yourself and in the journey that it will soon unfold into its natural course.

Good luck. Xo, T.

A daily tonic

Relax. Inhale. Exhale.

You will become an adult, you will figure out your career path and you will find someone who loves you for your beauty in its entirety. You have an entire lifetime and only time, takes time. The only way to fail at life is to abstain.

Develop a manifesto for a simplier, happier life. Whether or not it is clean to you, the Universe is working its way to unfold it for you.

So here are my doctors orders:
Stop worrying. Worrying kills your life.

Begin each day with a mantra of positivity, this arms your soul.

Control your appetite. Overdulgence clogs your mind, soul and body.

Accept your limitations.

Don’t be envious, you waste your time, but most importantly, your energy.

Have faith in all things, especially people. Cynicism sours the deposition.

Find a hobby, it’ll relax your nerves.

Read a book to help stimulate imagination and broaden your views.

Spend some time with yourself. You deserve some peace, quiet and solitude.

Try to want what you have, instead of what you don’t have.

Forget doing more, just do your best.

Good luck. Xo, T.